Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
Choosing Parents
Can you
describe for us what happens in the method of
reincarnation; the choosing of parents. . . when the
physical body dies and we go to the other side of this
earth form. . . what happens then and how we choose our
parents to come back into another incarnation?
My Dear One, you
asked a mouthful. Now, if I were to answer your
multi-dimensional question I would have a
multi-dimensional answer and all of you would still be
sitting here tomorrow. If you would like to present a
narrower, more specific question in that broad category
of questions, I would be most happy to be brief, and as
you know, this is a compromise on my part.
I will think
about that one for a few minutes. . . how to narrow it
I think I
have my question narrowed down enough now.
Good. We know,
Dear One, what an accomplishment that is for you.
Yes. It
certainly is. I want to know it all at once. Describe for
us the method of reincarnating into a new body. . . in
this experience.
Since all matter,
visible and non-visible, in the broadest sense of the
term, is vibrational frequencies, or pulses, you must
understand that there is consciousness in all pulsations.
The universe is conscious. Amazingly, Beings are
unconscious. But the universe is conscious. Beings are
most conscious prior to birth and during death. During
the rest of physical existence unconsciousness prevails,
except during sleep. (There have been conscious Beings,
of course: Michelangelo. Chopin, Henry David Thoreau,
Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, to name but a
few.) During these two times of greatest consciousness
Beings are objective. The choice of parents - physical,
genetic parents for a physical body - is a conscious,
objective decision. All options are considered; some are
considered too quickly and some considered too long,
since Beings out of physicality are still fallible. The
choice is made and the pulsation of Beingness focused on
a particular growing, embryonic structure. The transferal
of energy into the embryonic structure is a gradual
process, for all changes of focus are gradual, by your
time reckoning. You all want transitions to occur in an
instant. this is not what a transition is. A transition
is a tunnel between two areas of light. My Dear Ones here
have all experienced transitions.
You, Dear One E.
and you, Dear One N., you two Beings are in that tunnel.
Move to the light at the end by calming your sense of
panic. There is nothing to fear about transitions, nor is
there the need to desire to go back. You are trying to go
back on a one-way street, insisting that you are only
going one way. It is the wrong way - if I use your
expressions of right and wrong. Go on! Be born by
completing your passage down the tunnel. You see, birth
itself is a movement through a canal, or tunnel, from a
one life environment to another.
There are four
major transitions of energy that Beings experience on a
physical plane; the movement from non-physical pulsations
into the growing, embryonic fetus form; the physical
birth from mother, and its separation; the movement into
biological adulthood through puberty; and death. Beings,
of course, usually put things backwards since they see
things in a reflective, mirror-like way. They consider,
generally, birth happy and death sorrow. Actually, birth
is a painful and frightening experience, but death is
beautiful. This is difficult for Beings to understand
because they forget both consciously.
Beings forget much consciously, otherwise, you would have
to build an institution on every block, for remembering
much creates what you call insanity. Insanity is the
inability to forget. Beings who are most adjusted and
most together, as you would say, are those that forget
extremely will. If you wish to empty your mental
hospitals, teach classes in forgetting.
My, we are an
attentive group! Never in all of my public appearances
has there been such an attentive group. This has
strengthened the signal considerably and I pulse into
your presence at a much easier rate. This would be
similar to your heart-beat slowing down to a more
comfortable level. (Next Page)