Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
P. asked that
I present this question on his behalf: Did he interpret
your message to him correctly regarding his sleep
patterns: And, do your instructions apply to all people
in general?
It has
application to everyone and, being the diligent Being
that he is, he applied it immediately. The message was
basically this. Beings need much less sleep than they
think they need because of social conditions. Beings also
absurdly think that they would awaken naturally when they
have experienced enough sleep, and that simply sleeping
when tired and awakening when rested would be the perfect
solution. Since sleep is used by Beings for escape, for
avoidance, for delay and many other uses, this can never
truly be fact. Since there is the tendency in Beings to
use sleep in these slowing of growth ways, you have no
word in your language for some of my concepts so I must
coin expressions: "Slowing of growth ways" is
on the them). Ideally, if Beings were using sleep only
for regeneration of physical self and harmonization of
all cells, the pattern would be very different. It would
be quite variable: some nights three hours sleep, some
nights four hours sleep, some nights no sleep at all;
some days no sleep, some days one hour of sleep, some
days two hours of sleep. Most Beings would function most
attunedly (if I may coin another word need now) with no
more than a few hours of sleep during darkness,
preferably soon after the setting of the sun, and one or
two more hours scattered through the daylight time -
cat-napping, so to speak, but in larger chunks of time.
This would allow for a more constant renewal than your
present method, just as eating is best on a
nibbling-snack basis rather than eating several larger
portions of food. When you sleep in one large segment it
is like having one enormous feast every 24 hours and
having no other nourishment. Now, I suggest that all of
you experiment more with your sleeping patters if you
feel frustrated about achieving progress in your growth
experience. If you feel concern that perhaps you are
using sleep as other than body regeneration and
multi-self reuniting, experiment. Let life be an
experiment for you. Pour one chemical into another and
see your results. Sometimes it will be an explosion.
Sometimes it will be a magical discovery.
How is
dreaming effected?
Since sleep in
shorter segments is much more intense and more productive
than sleep that is extended, the dreaming also is more
productive and intense at a deeper level. There is less
chance of consciousness knowing dreams. And, since
consciousness knows dreams by accident, anyway, this is
better for growth.
Dreams are not
meant to be remembered and yet Beings spend much time
trying to remember them. If they are remembered they need
to be recognized as a subconscious therapy session. Much
is being accomplished but Beings can be more efficient in
their accomplishments; sleep and dreaming being two
When Beings sleep
an 8 hour period the first four hours are most
productive; the next four hours are equivalent to less
than one hour in the first four in effectiveness. In
fact, for most Beings the second four hours are of no
more value than five minutes of the first four
hours. And, since you all fear rushing too swiftly and
directly to the grave, I suggest you give yourselves a
bonus of extra hours in your day. Create a 28 hour day
for yourselves by eliminating four hours of sleep, and
you have a more extensive time period to create. Early
morning time is creation time. Match your activities with
the sunrise, which is your reminder of creation daily. It
is birth. Make your early morning hours as creative as
you can. My Being did not get this and so he has been
working diligently between the hours of 2 and 7. This is
creative time: sing, paint, dance, run, bake yourselves a
cake; laugh, write, jump, swim, enjoy the ripples of the
What about
meditating at those hours in the morning?
Meditation is
productive, potentially, at any hour. However, early
morning hours, especially sunrise, are certainly very
appropriate. (Next