Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
How valid in the
set of books, is "The Life and Teachings of the
Masters of the Far East." Is it true that the
entities of the people become so highly evolved
spiritually that they take their bodies to/with them when
they - rather than die, as we know it - to take their
bodies with them to the other side and they can appear
and disappear at will?
My Dear One, C.
who has experienced many, many male roles, and is
intrigued with bodies - to answer your question I must
refer you to the nature of the molecular structure of the
physical body. The molecular structure contains more
space than matter. To disassemble and reassemble this
molecular structuring, which is further subdivided into
quarks, is a matter of mind-over-matter. To disassemble
and reassemble this molecular structuring, which is
further subdivided into quarks, is a matter of
mind-over-matter. Certain beings that have walked your
planet, that pay no regard to time/gravity limitations,
are able to manipulate successfully their molecular
structure. To disassemble and reassemble is no more
complicated, when one knows the essence of creation and
manifestation, than to disassemble and reassemble your
lawnmowers. When you disassemble, you make the structure
invisible. When you reassemble, you make the structure
visible, but the reassembly may be different from the
original assembly. Any variation, whatsoever, will
prevent you from seeing the structure. Only when the
reassembled molecular structure vibrates on a frequency
that you perceive, do you then see, physically, the
The being, Jesus,
was able to do this very thing. This, of course, became a
way of proving his message to mankind. Other beings are
able to assemble, disassemble, and reassemble their
beingness at will. You see beings use "will
power," but they are really using "wish
power." I have elaborated on this principle in past
work sessions. When you "will" you believe
unconditionally. There is not one fragment of disbelief.
And, with total belief, all things are possible.
"Masters of
the Far East" also walk on western soil. But the
pace of western cultivation often jabs them with the
arrow. This causes stress and disbelief.
Do you understand
my response, Dear One?
Quite well.
Although, I was not aware that I was so obsessed with
"fascinated" would be a better term.
Have I been
here many times before?
As you know, Dear
One, body structure was most troublesome to you as a
younger person and, this has, in your subconscious,
always been a factor in your response to life.
How should I
change all of that?
You have two
choices: magic or miracle. Since magic is fraudulent, why
not create a miracle? Why not BE?
BE, period,
For you, Dear
One, BE, question mark. But, of course, I am referring to
"BE," period. Many researchers, in analyzing
great works of channeling, focus on key words and
preoccupy their minds with counting frequency of usage.
They take great pleasure in seeing that "love"
is mentioned 365 times in the Bible; that it is mentioned
477 times in the Koran; that it is mentioned 923 times in
the Talmud, etc., etc., etc. But researchers do not
bother counting the number of times that "BE,"
and variations of it, are used. This is the important
word, not "love," which is translated by some
as "hate." (Next Page)