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Who Was Seeven?

During the 1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are given physical reality and presence in the voice and expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them directly through his or her own mind and body. In a series of meetings with clients and other interested persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a public service by The Psychic Internet.

Parallel Personalities

Can you elaborate on your meaning of the word "BE"?

"BE." There is my total, unabridged, unedited discourse. Now, have I frightened everyone away?

Do you like to be called "Seeven"?

I love it. This is why, when pressured to formulate a composite reference to myself, I pondered the response quite thoroughly and my higher self presented me the answer. You see, I am "Seeven One." There is a "Seeven Two," Three, Four, Five, Fifty, Zillion, and each is a believer in the inspiration from a higher level of self. When you speak to me, Dear Ones (and I hate to disillusion you) you are only scratching surfaces? It is a beginning, isn't it?

Can you tell us about "Parallel Personalities," for lack of a better expression?

This is a misnomer, for parallel seems to imply equal and the same. When the soul source projects its energy focuses into the earth plane, it produces what you see as present, past and future lives. This, of course, is the only way that you can deal with other dimensions of your selfness, of your beingness, of your oneness, of your multiplicity, of your levels of probability and possibility. When the soul source projects its focused energy into the earth plane and, therefore, produces physical bodies, there is no real concern, or consideration, of time. Therefore, your "selves" may actually overlap. You do not have to physically die in order to have another physical experience, another probability self who may, in fact, co-exist with you - not as a perfect representation of you but as a different probability, unique in its own way. Some beings fall in love with themselves. They find their "Soul Mate," so to speak. The term represents not only beings that you have become acquainted with in other experiences, in other times and places, but also those that are co-existing in this reality as another dimension of self.

I hope this discourse does not confuse you on the issue. My being has directed me recently to be much more concrete and simple in my explanations. Tonight I speak to you on the "primal" level. Hopefully, this is simple enough. It is the same difficulty, or challenge, that you have in trying to describe a rainbow to a person without sight. (Next Page)

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