Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
Wishing and The Second Coming
You, my Dear One,
were with a most important teaching Being during your
earlier days and you have recently relearned an earlier
lesson. This Being goes by the designation Dan. He was a
Speaker for your learning stage. You, Dear One, have
attracted to you progressively more advanced Speakers to
you as you were ready for them on your phase of
developing awareness. If you think, Dear One, over your
life at this time perspective, you will see the validity
of this observation. You have mistakenly referred to this
as luck. You do know, at other levels of your being, that
it is not luck but your need that has been actualized.
You have within your energy frame a powerful directive
ability to manifest all probabilities that are most
directly beneficial to your growth. Unlike most beings,
you willingly suspend disbelief, and thus are able to
realize the validity and the velocity of your energy
Beings wish, but
wishing is a hollow and unmotivated desire. Wishing does
not create realities of real desire. Wishing is an
avoidance divide that prevents positive potentialities,
real desires, to unfold. You, Dear One, do not waste time
wishing. You direct and orchestrate and bring to you the
product. You are then an active Seeker. Most beings are
passive observers of active Seekers. Their wishing is
only representative of their passivity and their
unwillingness to take the risk of becoming an active
You have
discussed the possibility (as you phrase) of
collaborating on a work of fiction. Beings deceive
themselves in thinking that anything created by mind is
fiction. Man's life is fiction. What he writes and
creates in artistic form is nonfiction. You spoke of
creating a fictional piece. Understand that you can
create a non-fictional piece based upon the resources of
your creative capacities that are indeed volatile at this
time. It is most important, however, that you recognize
that what you are creating is factual, just as the
ultimate activity (as you have viewed it) of the
non-fictional piece is related to channeling on other
levels of beingness. I am most willing to facilitate the
latter creative endeavor. You may wish to create this
piece on a chapter by chapter basis, or you may wish to
simply gather the raw material that can comprise a body
so badly needed by humanity at this time frame.
There are so many
beings at this time frame that are recognizing the
spiritual nature of themselves. This is a Second Coming
as you perceive such prognostications of what you call
the future. The First Coming was indeed a wondrous
crystallization of his inner sensitivities. The Second
Coming that has already begun again is reminding man of
his sensitivities. Perhaps because of the sensitive
nature of his being - I should say her/his - you see
sensitivity is expanding now into all endeavors of man.
It is delaying war; it is prolonging lives; it is healing
disease of mind and body and emotion; it is responsible
for the revolution that is occurring on your planet.
Now, My Being,
you have not begun to realize your potential. You have
only begun to realize your capabilities. You are
embarking upon a glorious path of recognition. It is most
gratifying to see (as you use the expression) a being
that activates realities by directed need. It is also
gratifying to see such a tremendously swift evolution of
emotion. (Next