Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
Now, Dear One, do
you have questions?
Yes. I feel a
bit overwhelmed by what you have said. My concern is the
publication of the book we have just completed. I have
had to defer giving the book to B. and I'm concerned
about the passage of time. Is there anything else that I
should do about the book?
The being S. is
seeing you in a more and more appreciative light. She is
a most competent ally in any concerns you have related to
writing endeavors. Do not overlook that avenue.The being
B. has no idea of the quality of the manuscript that you
wish to present to him. He can be influenced to be
anxious to read the manuscript, for it is of a more
relevant message and stylistic quality than much of what
he is reading now. You, Dear One, directing your powerful
energies into the wide dissemination of this document,
will strongly influence this probability, which slows
considerably beyond the autumn of your present designated
year. I feel some reluctance to discuss such old issues.
Therefore, I would request that you concern yourselves
not with the past but with the present moment. Is this
Do you have other
I'm having
trouble concentrating right at the moment.
You are recording
this communication so that you need not try to consider
what is spoken. You may release as you hear. This is the
primary purpose of your recording devices. You do not
need to hold on to them; the device holds on for you.
Now, Dear One, if you allow your thoughts to become
clear, you will focus on areas of concern and challenge
to you. Perhaps you wish to work on your artistic
endeavors with my Being.
Yes, that is
true. I am pleased that you are going to help us with it.
This is my
pleasure. There is much that can be observed and spoken
from unbiased perspectives, and beings need to know about
other dimensions of their being.
It is my
understanding that our working on fiction is not so
important as our working on a book about channeling and
overcoming fear. My inclination is to do that book rather
than the fiction.
My Dear One, the
issue referred to as fiction can be created as a parallel
probability. You need not consider it an either/or
situation. There is no reason from this perspective why
you cannot create simultaneous probabilities where
concerns for time are not relevant. In true creative
pursuits time is not a problem, Time is a problem only
when noncreative pursuits are produced.
I have some
reluctance to becoming involved in a new book when I am
in the midst of moving my home and establishing myself in
a new job.
Yes, this is
I had
anticipated that we would postpone the next projects
without beginning to work on them until fall. However, I
can see that planning is an important part of the
My Dear One,
planning has nothing whatever to do with creativity and
is an avoidance device when creativities are expressed in
the same conversation. Planning is used in systems of
power. Planning is a conscious and premeditated act;
creating is a spontaneous, non-conscious probability that
is actualized by becoming tuned to the most sensitive
portions of the spiritual self. Is this clear?
Where does your
concern now lie?
I was just
thinking that what was said implied that we must just get
on with it. That we have only begun.
A beginning has
occurred, so there is no need for avoidance. You have
begun to write again, as awesome a burden as this may
feel to you at this moment. My Being has been creating
this manuscript at various portions of mind for some
time. This allows my attunement on this issue to be most
precise. The frequency of communication is especially
precise at this Now Moment. The manuscript that concerns
itself with higher portions of consciousness is well
done. It is most gratifying to feel its completeness and
the quality of the expression.
I'm sorry,
are you talking about the manuscript that is just
completed, or the one that is not yet on paper?
I refer to the
manuscript that you are fearful of beginning. It is
completed and a fine work. I would strongly suggest that
you begin to recognize its completed form so that you can
consider making those chapter revisions. You cannot make
adequate alterations in the garment without having the
garment before you. Is that not true?
That is very
true. What is the topic of Chapter 2?
My Dear One, you
Beings are not trusting to begin any endeavor in the
already-begun position. Begin at the beginning is your
motto. The same is true with any creative endeavor. There
is no conscious planning, but there is a beginning. In a
painting, the beginning may be any color or form. It is
not in a specific place or position; it is a beginning
nonetheless. With your manuscript, Chapter 1 must be
actualized before you can consider reviewing 2. You see,
time and gravity are your safeguards. Your mental
functioning on the earth plane always begins with an
awareness that you must work with the tools that you have
I feel that
what we are doing is important, so I'm willing to begin.
My Being is not so willing as you are trying (laughing)
to be.
Why is that?
My Being is
skeptical about the potentiality of the chapters being
created spontaneously. Is there a way I can Help that?
Yes. You, Dear
One, can talk about the potential concepts for Chapter 1.
In beginning
this new book, must we assume the reader has no knowledge
of the first book? Must it be at a very elementary level?
You established a fine evolutionary style of allowing
understanding to grow in the endeavor recently completed.
The most elementary growth position of a reader is able
to comprehend early chapters. There is a progressive
moving to more difficult materials and concepts. This is
a good style again, as it unfolds. In the first chapter
it seems to me that we must again explain the
multidimensional self and make the reader aware of the
potential for experiencing many levels of the self.
This is a fine
observation, Dear One. However, the reader must be drawn
into a desire to know about the multidimensional self.
This, Dear One, is Chapter 2. Chapter 1 draws the
reader's awareness from worldly concerns to inner-world
concerns. Your anxiety level is most obstructive to this
creation, Dear One. It is most unlike you to feel such
overwhelming concern. You have not understood the nature
of creativity, which is the basis for Chapter 1.
Man is a creative
creature. More than any other element of the infinite
universe, man is above all creative. It is this creative
energy that has allowed man to move rapidly along the
evolutionary scale of mind, body, and emotion. Creativity
has taken man from the mindless act of his dictatorial
genes to the volition of what you call free will. Man has
created an elaborate network of mythology to help him
create. This mythology of creative stimulus has become
more and more obsolete as man has evolved. Every aspect
of a beings's life on the earth plane and on all other
planes of reality demands creation.
The wondrous
instruments that you have devised to make life simpler
(as you consider it, erroniously) have been derived from
initial creative efforts. Planning then intervened and
destroyed the initial creative spark. The beauty of the
spark was obliterated by the roaring flames of the
fire.Creativity as I elaborated earlier must be a
spontaneous and acceptable act. For beings to recognize
multidimensional portions of themselves, they must be
willing to create first the belief and then the
acceptance and then the pathway straight to personal
experience. There can be no detour of planning. As
creative sparks are ignited, they are captured and
translated an understandable form of communication. All
creativity is communication.
When beings
believe, accept, and begin to create higher portions of
consciousness, they are allowing a pre-existing reality
to become known - known in its most fundamental form.
This means, understood completely from the emotional,
intellectual, spiritual and intuitive levels. Creativity
is often wasted by man upon the most basic gratifications
of the immediate future. It is natural earth energies
becoming exhausted. This is the parallel to the body
energies of creation being wasted. In a sense, no
creation is wasted, because all creations provide
environments for growth and understanding.They are poorer
quality creations than those that allow rapid advancement
into knowingness. (Next Page)