Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
Burdens of Guild,
and Growth
My Dear One,
Thomas. You have never forgiven your self for your
inability to administer to your friend. Nicodimus was in
his own growth experience, and your intervening would
have prevented this growth. Release your guilt, Dear One,
Tomas who now designates herself as F. My Dear One. Have
your monastery experiences created too great a degree of
isolation in you in this focal experience. You are not
using your writing skills to the capacity that you could
so well.
My being, D., you
have never released the inner anxieties that were
produced by your understanding during your focused self
of Wong Fu, the cruel and selfish being. As a merchant
you used others. Your attempt to overcompensate this now
causes you to try to be all things to all beings. Again,
you are burdened by guilt. Many, many of you beings
assembled here in this time frame carry enormous burdens
of guilt. This you shared in common like no other facet
of being could. You cannot expect to grow
multi-dimensionally when you falter with negative,
emotional reactions.
My Dear One,
L.possesses the least guilt in this time frame and time
place coordinates. A beautiful princess so many times and
such a gifted dancer living many experiences with charm
and grace. You other beings have experienced male roles
far more than female. The being W. is the exception in
this grouping. Several of you, those of you that are male
in this incarnation, fought off the higher decision to
return in female roles. This is the focused
personalitys choice, of course. But recommendations
from higher portions of self should be followed for
greatest growth probabilities.
The being who is
designated as K. has been a fine young man many times
without reaching full manhood. Once as a wondrous
befriender of lions, this being lived in the open,
African plains. Like the proverbial story of the young
man who removes the thorn from the lions paw, he
did likewise. You still enjoy taking thorns from fellow
beings paws. You, Dear One, are a thorn remover by
birthright. You are most capable as a thorn remover. You
may rest assured that you are moving in the proper
forward direction. The word is most amusing, but this is
the concept as you can understand it. Direction is as
limited to express the concept that it may be compared to
this flickering light that you dispel darkness with that
stands before you. It is to distance, as the sun is to
the real meaning. Distance is a proper word to measure
your progress to the butcher, but not to designate your
growth. Growth occurs not in distance but in degree.
Degree in other dimensions is a far more complex concept
than you perceive it to be. All concepts exist and you
slowly label them as you perceive them in your reality.
My being, who is designated as A. had been an impish
rogue in countless experiences. A horse thief, a
marauder, a seducer of young ladies. This being can rest
assured that the concerns have been considered and you
are released from your burden of guilt.
The being H.,
Dear One, you have experienced old age so often it is
difficult for you to experience youth. As you create more
you become more connected with youth. I strongly advise
you to look at your priorities and see that they need
My Dear P., you
have fulfilled your portly roles enough.As a tavern
keeper in several experiences you experienced the most
spectral beinghood and have therefore identified this as
the most representative example of beinghood. Your mother
in this experience Dear One was one of your best
customers at the bar. She experiences now the desire to
maintain connection with you and this is then a
recreation of the past. Stop serving her addiction.
My Dear One, R.,
who tries so hard and exhausts himself trying. You
flounder like a poor tuna out of water. My being is
amused by a floundering tuna. (Group laughter.) Now that
I have allowed him to have his laugh perhaps we can get
on with this. Dear One, you must learn to breathe air
rather than still trying to oxygenate your blood
through gills. Stop swimming and start flying.
My Dear One with
your expectations getting in your way, even now, you are
thwarted by the lack of fulfillment of expectations. You
must remove expectations and set goals instead. (Next Page)