Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
Expectations and
Do you have any
concerns that you would like to voice? This is your
golden moment.
What is the
education I am striving for? Am I going in the right
Your education,
Dear One, is to remove guilt. All other educations are
for amusement. When you stop worrying about your
direction you will begin to enjoy it. You Dear One, are
too concerned about making right decisions. Simply make
decisions and go with them. Stop being concerned about
the petty and begin enjoying the bountiful.
Is that why I
have become so aggressive, because I'm too petty, I'm not
enjoying the bountiful?
Could you
explain more about the difference between expectations
and setting goals?
A goal is
intuitive; an expectation is logical. Logic always fails
when it is pitted against intuition. Scientists are
logical until they find an exception to their logic. Then
logic becomes illogical. You beings love to wallow in
illogicalisms. Do you understand this important
difference, Dear One?
Not entirely.
It has been my belief in the last few years that being
ready for one's good was sufficient to have it and that
would seem to be working on an intuitive level. However,
recently I've come to feel that perhaps more action is
required, specific action is required. I'm confused about
Action and
aggression are two separate concepts also. You have
pursued aggressively fueled by expectation. Flowing is
like solar power and pursuing is like coal power. When
you set goals you flow towards them. When you set
expectations you tumble into them. The fall is awesome,
painful. Does this answer your concern?
I still don't
entirely understand. Perhaps it will become clearer.
Dear One, are based upon emotional need and emotional
need is often a poor barometer of real need. When you
create expectations you are operating from an emotional
need level. When you set goals you are operating from a
spiritual level. One flows on the spiritual level; one
crawls on the emotional level. Often pleading and
bleeding. Now is this clear? This is not a condemnation
of you, Dear One. But an important non-evaluative
observation of your present mode of manifestation.
Thank you. (Next Page)