Psychic Readings from The
Psychic Internet often feature images drawn from the
I Ching Oracle. To offer supplementary
information about these images for our clients,
and for the public, we have provided this archive
of brief articles.
For general information on
the I Ching Oracle, click here.
abstract images of the I Ching Oracle (usually
called "hexagrams") symbolize all of
the related and interacting aspects of reality.
In the following excerpts from actual Psychic
Readings, the image of The Receptive is
Click here for links to all
of the images.
The Receptive
these verses are highlighted, they cause the
image to become transformed into another image,
the second in the collection, as it happens. This
is the aforementioned image of the earth, usually
called in English, The Receptive. Here again, the
idea of reserved action tends to echo the basic
message we are trying to explain for you. The
Receptive never acts in a forceful way, as if it
were expressing its own will and determination.
The Receptive is an image of perfect conformity
with the intent of Universal Will, or the Divine
Will, or the Tao. It is an image of harmonious
cooperation with the course of development that
is set in motion by your fate. The idea is not to
come to a stop, but to keep moving in conformity
with your innate sense of what is right and good.
this to your question about your trip, we can see
that you will be able to arrange a kind of
compromise so that you will be able to go at a
later date. We see in the presence of the Ace of
Pentacles in today's Reading, a portent of quite
excellent good fortune for you from a material
point of view as a result of the opportunity.
However, we also see in the presence of Six
Pentacles the obstructing influence of a
"debt" that is not paid, so to speak.
In other words, going now would tend to put you
in default of another debt. This is the debt that
you owe to yourself and to J. and to L. This is
the way to heed the message of Difficulty at the
Beginning, which in this Reading changed into the
image of The Receptive. This is the way to bring
order out of the confusion that has been created
in your life.
More on
The Receptive