Music Conservatory

Courses in Music Theory and Composition


Please fill out the following form, and then click the Send Button near the bottom of the page. If you have not already read the Introductory Lesson, completed the appended musical exercises, and forwarded them to the WholeARTS Music Conservatory, please do so after sending your registration information with this form.

What is your name?

Carefully type in your email address.

(Unfortunately, we receive many forms with incorrect email addresses. Since your address does not automatically appear in the header of your submission, we have no way to notify you if there is an error. If you do not hear from WholeARTs, this is the reason.)

Which music course, or courses do you want to register for?

Do you play an instrument?
(Enter which instrument or instruments.)

How many years of instrumental study with a teacher?

What previous study have you done in music?

Are there any special or individual factors you would like taken into consideration by your teacher?

Payment Options

Music lessons at the Conservatory are charged at $35.00 per lesson (full payment options may be specified in the information for your particular course of study). Your teacher keeps a record of the number of lessons you have completed. You are charged when each one of your corrected exercises is returned to you. Once we have your credit card billing information, you do not have to make payment arrangements for individual lessons. You may take your lessons at your own pace and will be billed accordingly.

You have several options for sending your billing information to us. This form is a convenient way to give charge card information on this form and send it while you are online. This option is SECURED by our service provider (Valuenet) and employs our own Secure Certificate published by Thawte (thawte.com).

You may, of course, pay by postal money order, or cashier's check (see address below). Payment is accepted for up to 10 lessons. If you pay by personal check, please allow an additional 30 days for registration.

If you wish to send your credit card billing information with this form, please fill out the information boxes below.

Choose one of the following:


Name on Credit Card:

Card Number - Example: 5424-1954-2011-1918

(PLEASE, double check your numbers to avoid delaying your order. )

Expiration date - Example: 06-99

Credit Card Mailing Address



Dial 775-588-1329 and leave the following information.
You have 4 minutes. Please give the information, slowly and clearly, spelling everything not obvious, and especially if you speak with an accent...

Or, you may fax this information instead by first printing the items below on your printer and then filling out the appropriate places: fax to 801-912-1241 Or, you may mail to:

P. O. Box 2963
Stateline, NV 89449

  1. your full name:
  2. your email address:
  3. full name on charge card:
  4. which card you are using: (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Optima)
  5. card number:
  6. expiration date:
  7. your complete mail address:
    (This must be the same as the address your credit card is billed to.)

Courses in Theory and Composition

The WholeARTs Music Conservatory Home Page

WholeARTs Productions
P.O. Box 2963, Stateline, NV 89449

WholeARTs and The WholeARTs Music Conservatory
are Trade Marks of WholeARTs.

Copyright © 2000 by WholeARTs