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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Two of Pentacles

Often, the image of Two Pentacles indicates that there are fun and games on the horizon. In a traditional drawing of this image, one sees the circus juggler. But, with juggling, and with things in midair, there is always a high degree of suspense. What goes up must come down: but where? Thus, when this image appears, one wants to apply as much skill and meticulous care as is possible in the matter at hand. It is wise also to seek a careful balance in the way things are disposed and dealt with.

A client called asking for advice with regard to her very stressful working situation. A variety of images appeared suggesting that everything was going to work out quite well for her in due time. But the image of Two Pentacles afforded some very specific advice that was also bound to be helpful. It suggested the need for a high degree of flexibility in her handling of things. Every wheel needs a little "give." If it is fixed to the axle too tightly, it simply won't turn. The image of Two Pentacles confirmed for us that our client had all of the skill she needed to make her work a success, and there was no doubt that she would handle the challenges facing her with great aplomb. But she needed to try to have a little more fun in the course of her work. We advised her to be less serious about her work, when being sincere was quite sufficient. Do you know how the angels fly? They take themselves lightly.

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