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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Ten of Swords

The image of Ten Swords describes the ultimate in pain and suffering. As such, its greatest value consists often in the warning it issues with regard to a given course of action. As a portent for the future, the image obviously suggests the need for reassessment of the direction one is taking in any given situation. Of course, bad results are not always the result of one's own actions. The image of Ten Swords sometimes indicates treachery and betrayal. Watch your back when this image appears. But in all cases, the image describes a situation that needs to be altered in a very significant way. The birthright of man is happiness and joyful fulfillment. In the art of life, one needs to be, not the victim of one's fate, but the master of one's destiny.

A client called asking for our view of her prospects for success with a man who had asked for her hand in marriage. We drew various images that suggested the need for caution, and foremost among them, the image of Ten Swords. In instances such as this, we are always careful to remind our clients that a psychic reading is never, solely in itself, a reason for closing a door on a relationship, nor is it sufficient cause for taking a specific course of action. We believe that a psychic reading is only one more piece of information that should be evaluated along with everything else that one can learn about the situation at hand. But, there can hardly be any harm in being reasonably cautious when an important decision is being contemplated. We suggested to our client in this case that it might be wise for her to take a little more time with her decision than she otherwise might do, and to be on the alert for any mixed signals in the behavior of the man in question, or other signs of as yet undisclosed potential for conflict or hurt in the relationship. We never claim infallibility in our readings. We are no more proof against error than is the professional doctor or lawyer.

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