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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Ten of Cups

God gave Noah the rainbow sign to establish forever the covenant of His blessing on mankind and all the creatures of the earth. That rainbow shines brilliantly in the image of Ten Cups, and under it all life is luminous with the glowing beauty of peace and love. The image of Ten Cups describes the ultimate in joy and happiness. It is a portent of limitless good fortune, and it expresses our delight in the harmony we feel with our dearest loved ones. It describes perfect contentment in the family, and the serenity of gentle companionship in the home and community. It is the emblem of friendship, fellowship and good will to all people.

It is only natural, when we become seriously preoccupied with a troublesome struggle of one kind or another in one aspect of our life, to lose sight of the great blessings that we otherwise enjoy in other aspects of it. So it was with one of our clients who worked with a company that had been for some time dealing with an incompetent and bad-spirited management. Our client had many specific questions about how to handle himself in an ugly atmosphere of general non-cooperation and mutual recrimination. Among the images that we drew for his Reading, which gave us much direct insight into those specific questions, we also drew the image of Ten Cups. This image was a reminder to him that, with the support of the loving family to whom he returned each evening, he could handle and endure any and every challenge that he faced at work. It warned him about taking his problems from work home with him. Life never presents us with a perfect situation in all its aspects. If we demand that sort of perfection, then the perfect becomes the enemy of the good. The image of Ten Cups told our client that his home was his castle, and that he needed to build a moat of protection around it. It was important for him to keep the domains of work and home strictly separate.

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