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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings


An untempered sword is brittle and has no resilience. The musical strings of a lute, untempered, make a jangling discord. Heed, then, the message conveyed by the image of Temperance. Be moderate, and avoid excess; seek the golden mean; bring things into harmonious interaction and maintain their equilibrium; be centered and cultivate a creative synthesis of all your qualities and faculties. In the Waite-Rider Tarot, Temperance is reflected through the image of a heavenly angel. Her blessing soothes the jagged nerves of the wayward human spirit. She imparts a tranquil faith in truth and beauty, which is always and ever the key to health and happiness.

The image of Temperance appeared in a reversed position in a Reading we did for a client who came to us with questions about his health. He had no specific ailment that doctors could pinpoint, but felt out of sorts in a generalized way. We, of course, are not qualified to dispense medical advice. But in the reversal of the image of Temperance we saw the reflection of a man who needed to reconsider the basic features of his daily way of life. We cautioned him that his body, mind, and spirit, appeared to be suffering from a severe imbalance, and suggested that he needed to examine his diet and nutrition, the way in which he handled stimulants, and his habits of work, recreation, rest, and sleep. In his reply, he let us know that fast food was his principal sustenance, and a bottle of wine and several stiff drinks his daily recreation. He was overworked, and rarely got a good night's sleep. Typically, he had submitted to a battery of medical examinations and tests, but he had never discussed his diet with his doctor. His alcohol intake was nothing unusual in his milieu. And, as he asked, "who is not overworked?" He found it difficult to believe that his problems might possibly be circumstantial, and not based on an organic disease of some kind. We suggested that he make a concerted effort to avoid polluted foods, and to eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, to cut down on alcohol, get more rest, exercise, and seek out lofty recreations for the nourishment of his spirit and soul. He has been feeling much better ever since.

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