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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Six of Wands

The image of Six Wands describes recognition and reward. Find its motto in the words of the poet, Percy Shelley: "Hail to thee, blithe spirit." This image describes victory and vindication, prevailing against odds, receiving applause, feeling pride and a healthy self-esteem. Think of Caesar entering Rome in triumph after his campaigns, although in his instance the image would surely have appeared in its reversed position, for it is wise to remember that, when victory is wrung from violence and arrogant presumption, then "pride cometh before a fall." But in many instances, the image portends fulfillment of that principle which makes, at least of righteous worldly success, a spur to further productive achievements, and a boon to all. The mighty oak, whose branches stretch forth in magnifying glory, shelters multitudes.

Prior to the Gulf War, one of our clients asked about his prospects as one of the forward troops in the marines during the upcoming battle. In the reversal of the image of Six Wands, we saw the signs of a pyrrhic victory, in which glory was only a deceptive illusion masking deeper problems that would only intensify as time went on. Our concern was heightened in this instance by the response of our I Ching Oracle, which highlighted a verse from the image of Waiting, in which the oracle says, "Waiting in blood. Get out of the pit." So many of our veterans' subsequent experience with Gulf War Syndrome has rendered this verse tragically prophetic, even though we still do not know precisely what it was that lay lurking insidiously in their blood when they returned to tumultuous parades after their victory against Saddam.

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