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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Six of Cups

The image of Six Cups describes kindness, good will, giving and receiving; in other words, it describes what Fielding's Tom Jones called, "the warm solid content, the swelling satisfaction, the thrilling transports, and the exulting triumphs which a good mind enjoys in the contemplation of a generous, virtuous, noble, benevolent action." In our own experience, we have noticed that this image sometimes evokes reverberations from past lives, and in this respect it brings to mind the Hindu idea of "karma," which refers to actions that cause other actions in turn. Thus, depending on its position, either properly upright, or reversed, the image describes both good and bad karma, which is nothing more nor less than the effect of the past on present and future.

The image of Six Cups is very interesting when it reflects on personal relationships. One of our clients asked for our view of a new and thrilling relationship in her life. She was very hopeful that it would develop into something more than just friendship, and we simply did not feel that we could encourage her in that respect. We did not see in it the eventuality of a permanent bond in the form of marriage. However, the appearance of the image of Six Cups was nevertheless a very positive reflection on the potential of the relationship. It suggested that in their experience together, our client and her friend had something beautiful and deeply meaningful to give to each other. We advised, that while she might be wise to moderate her expectations with regard to marriage with her new friend, she could nevertheless enjoy a priceless gift in the crossing of their two paths in life.

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