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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Seven of Swords

The image of Seven Swords has an ambiguous quality that is not always easy to interpret. Often associated with the idea of burglary or theft, it can suggest the need for defensive measures to limit one's vulnerability in a given situation. On a deeper level, it may point to the ways in which we sabotage our own best prospects for success by taking the easy way out, avoiding hard work and the application of meticulous care in the accomplishment of some purpose. In an even less attractive implication, it may describe us as untrue to ourselves and others, deceptive and indirectly disingenuous in our dealings with the matter at hand. On the other hand, the indirect approach to a problem is often the wisest approach, especially when an unproductive conflict is the alternative. Seven Swords may at times invoke the wisdom of that old saw, "Take the best, and leave the rest," when it is simply not possible to achieve the full measure of one's desires in a particular case.

This was true of the appearance of the image of Seven Swords in a Reading that we did for a client who faced certain irresolvable conflicts in her marriage. The love and devotion that she felt for her husband was not in question, nor his love and devotion for her. Yet there seemed to be certain incompatibilities in their personalities that neither party had been willing to resolve. Since so many other very positive and beautiful images also appeared in this Reading, indicating prospects for continued happiness and fulfillment in their marriage, we suggested a more objective and less emotional reassessment of the importance of the issues at stake in their disputes. We could see that, in time, these issues would diminish in significance. Their energy would dissipate in the natural course of their continued life together. This was one of those instances in which compromise was the better part of valor.

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