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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Nine of Swords

As the swords of the Tarot Oracle increase in number, their darker powers multiply. The image of Nine Swords describes loss, mourning, grief, anguish, regret, remorse, guilt, doubt, worry, and helpless despair. In short, this image signifies Hamlet's " slings and arrows of outrageous fate." When the image of Nine Swords appears in a Reading, it helps to remember that whatever happens to us as a result of external factors and influences can never taint or humiliate our invincible human spirit. Only what we do to ourselves has that insidious efficacy. So long as we handle our woes with wisdom and in good faith, we may be assured of living through the darkest hours of night to see a new dawn of bright and golden splendor.

After the untimely death of his beloved wife, one of our clients felt unable to work or care for his children. The appearance of the image of Nine Swords very clearly reflected the nearly mortal blow that had been dealt to his soul. But its reversed position reminded him that he mustn't allow himself to give in to the debilitating terrors of despondency. His children depended on his compassion, continued love and care. He still had worldly accomplishments to aim for in the attainment of his destiny in life. In fact, the reversal of the image of Nine Swords was an unmistakable portent of his ultimate recovery. Wounds to the spiritual body are no less subject to healing than wounds to the physical body, and in all cases healing is the miracle that passeth understanding.

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