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(Many of our
psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images
drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary
information about these images for our clients, and for
the public, we have provided this archive of brief
articles. For a full listing, click
here.)The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic ReadingsThe Nine of Pentacles"We must cultivate our garden," said Voltaire's Candide. The image of Nine Pentacles describes the self-reliant individual making the most of her own talent and attending to her own affairs. It is a lovely image depicting the blossoming of the soul in serene solitude and tranquility. It describes the refinement of your character through the assimilation of your own personal experience in life. When this image appears, it conveys a message about succeeding through a disciplined application of your own innate resources. It tells you to rely on yourself with confidence. One of our clients was trying to decide if he should take his savings, cash in on his equity, and purchase a favorite restaurant that had just come up for sale in his locale. He had always wanted to be in business for himself, but had no previous experience of this kind. In our Reading, we drew for him the image of Nine Pentacles, appearing in a reversed position. This did not bode well for the business venture as he was imagining it. Yet there were other images in the Reading that seemed to encourage him to elaborate on the idea, and promising success if he altered his plans in an appropriate way. The question was, how could he put his Nine Pentacles in their properly upright position? We suggested that he might be able to find a suitable partner with more experience in the restaurant business. Or, his prospects might be different if he were able to find an experienced manager who could guide him in various ways, at least through his first few years. It was the latter suggestion that he took up, and he was soon able to find the right person. He purchased the restaurant, and while it turned out to be a much greater challenge than he had ever supposed it would be, he is making a success of it, learning a lot, and enjoying himself immensely in the process. |