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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Moon

There are three kinds of light depicted in the Tarot: the Sun, the Moon, and the Star. The Sun is bright illumination, of course, and so it appears in order to clarify matters. The Star portrays the power of inner light, and our destiny is read in the stellar zodiac. But the light of The Moon is somewhat more ambiguous in its quality and significance. As everyone knows, the moon shines over all romantic scenes of love, probably owing to a certain lack of transparent clarity in its light. In the glow of the moon, our blemishes tend to fade out of sight, and the plainest individual appears to be a paragon of beauty. This is not necessarily a deceptive trick of illusions. It may be that inner beauty issues forth more effectively when the harsh light of the sun is abated at night. But the image of The Moon has other qualities associated with night as well. Fear is surely one of them. You know how it is, when walking down a moonlit path; a hedge or bush can suddenly seem to be a monster lurking.

One of our clients was invited to invest as a partner in a local retail establishment, and asked for our judgment of her prospects for success. She was acquainted with the owner on a casual basis, and the store seemed attractive and well kept. In our Reading, the image of The Moon appeared in a reversed position, and suggested the need for caution. We reminded our client that there was very little that she knew about her prospective partner, and warned her that it might not be wise to proceed without conducting a much more thorough investigation into all the relevant factors that would be involved in their working together successfully. We cautioned her about the needing to study in detail the past performance of the business, as well as all issues related to its future in its location. In fact, she learned later that new road construction had been planned for the community that would put the location of the store very much off the beaten track. Moreover, she learned that the business had already accumulated more debt than she cared to assume. All in all, it wasn't a very attractive offer after all.

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