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(Many of our
psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images
drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary
information about these images for our clients, and for
the public, we have provided this archive of brief
articles. For a full listing, click
here.)The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic ReadingsThe LoversThe image of The Lovers is one of those in the Tarot Oracle that rather speaks for itself and needs very little gloss from interpreters. The image reflects the transformative power of love and intimacy, portending union and bonding between people. If there is anything that is usually left unspoken about The Lovers, it is only with respect to the element of folly and unreason that is implicit in it. What occurs between lovers is a form of Divine Madness. Two people in love see none of their respective blemishes and deficiencies. To one another, they are like gurus, revealing the God within. Is this psychosis or just a deeper sense of Truth and Beauty? You decide. Since the appearance of The Lovers, either in its properly upright, or its reversed, position is all too obvious in questions about personal relationships, we can best contribute here to its understanding by citing an example that applied to a different kind of relationship. In one instance, a client asked about a merger between his company and another, which had been in the discussion phase for some time. When we drew the image of The Lovers in a reversed position, we advised our client to examine the merger from a much more critical standpoint, and if contracts were proposed, to study the fine print with particular attention. The reversal of the image of The Lovers described in this case a severe disillusionment, conflict, and betrayal. |