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(Many of our
psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images
drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary
information about these images for our clients, and for
the public, we have provided this archive of brief
articles. For a full listing, click
here.)The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic ReadingsThe HermitIn the traditional Waite-Rider deck, the image of the Hermit is presented in the guise of that ancient Greek philosopher who walked the streets with a lantern held high, looking, he said, for an honest man. Sometimes we need to retreat into a self-imposed hermitage in order honestly to confront the very specific gravity of who we truly are. At any rate, it never hurts to set aside a little time for quiet introspection and reflection. It may even restore some of the poetry of life, and we can cite in this regard Wordsworth, who defined poetry as "emotion recollected in tranquillity." The image of the Hermit also pertains to our quest for truth and beauty, and it may reflect the need for mentoring and guidance. For the Hermit is a seeker; and yet, as far as that goes, he knows that finding is highly overrated. A client devoted to her own quest for personal growth and enlightenment was feeling that she had reached an impasse, and asked for an overview of her situation from us. When we drew the image of The Hermit in a reversed position, we knew that her search for truth and meaning had become too one-sided, that she was pursuing too bookish a method, and loosing sight of the imminence of truth in the living reality of people, things, and places. If we regard transcendence as the be all and end all of life, why then has the Universe contrived to constitute our beings out of flesh and blood? We advised our client to socialize more, to get more involved productively in her community, and to appreciate the material along with the spiritual side of reality. |