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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Fool

The reversal of the image of The Fool may sometimes reflect a kind of foolishness. In its ordinary position, however, the image of The Fool describes very positive qualities, such as innocence, spontaneity, trust, living in good faith and joy, fearlessness, adventurousness, inventiveness, and originality. Shakespeare's fools were wise, and an old proverb says that "God loves the fool."

When once a client asked if he was making a mistake to quit his job and devote himself to his artistic pursuits, we drew a variety of promising images, including The Fool. Because of its own qualities, and its relation to other positive images in this particular Reading, we felt confident in assuring him about his ultimate success. We predicted that he would, without even trying, find himself in the right place at the right time, acquiring the support that he needed to develop his work and prosper in the market. This judgment proved very happily true after a relatively short period of hard work.

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