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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Emperor

The image of The Emperor represents the power of every governing authority: that of fathers, judges, political leaders, officials, even of the boss on the shift. But it cannot be restricted only to external authorities. Its meaning is even more significant when it applies to our ability to master our own life and fate. Here, the words of Athena to the hero at the end of Homer's "Odyssey" cut directly to the point: "Son of Laertes and the gods of old, Odysseus, master of land ways and sea ways, command thyself." Thus, the need for self-control is often the message conveyed by the image of The Emperor. In every instance, however, it signifies order and reason, the rule of law, leadership, and all the prerogatives of commanding power and strength.

A client faced an important and defensive legal battle, and asked for a Reading about his prospects for success. The reversal of the image of The Emperor gave cause for serious doubt about the likely judgment. People usually want major issues to be resolved as swiftly as possible. But good lawyers know that delay and postponement is almost always preferable. They get before the judge and utter a swarm of incomprehensible legalisms, upon which the court orders a lengthy recess to figure it all out. When at last its authority reconvenes, a significant change has usually transpired: either a principal witness has disappeared, or new facts have come to light. By this time, in our client's case, we hoped that a more favorable judgment might be possible. We suggested that he look into the possibility of putting off the trial until a later date if at all possible. A year later, the case was dismissed on a technicality.

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