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(Many of our psychic readings at The Psychic Internet feature images drawn from the Tarot Oracle. To offer supplementary information about these images for our clients, and for the public, we have provided this archive of brief articles. For a full listing, click here.)

The Images of the Tarot Oracle in Psychic Readings

The Eight of Pentacles

The image of Eight Pentacles describes productive work and enterprise. Expect a period of hard but fulfilling labor when this image appears. It is time to dedicate yourself to the task at hand, to apply yourself with close attention to detail and thoroughness in every effort, to be painstaking in constancy and perseverance. Eight Pentacles portends a time when your knowledge, experience, and skill can be applied to greatest advantage. The image promises material success, and a very satisfying return on investments of time and money in the any commercial undertaking.

We have noticed in recent years an unmistakable increase in the frequency of the appearance of the image of Eight Pentacles in its reversed position. This was true in the case of a client who called asking about her prospects for continued employment with her troubled company. All around her, she was seeing pink slips appear on the desks of fellow workers. The reversal of the image of Eight Pentacles in her Reading only confirmed her own sense of the probability of her impending dismissal. We did not, however, sense that she would be laid off in the immediate future, and we advised her to take advantage of the leeway that she had for the next six to twelve months, looking discreetly for a new position elsewhere. Other images drawn for her Reading suggested that her particular skills would be in continued demand despite the deepening malaise in the economy at large. Fortunately this proved to be the case, and she found an even better new job for herself before the next wave of layoffs began with her previous employer.

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