Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
My dear one,
whose focus personality is called N. You are extending
your energies to help others at a significantly noble
rate. You are to be congratulated for expressing your
understanding of love to others who understand it less.
Your caring sincerity touches other beings and acts as a
messenger or messengers of truth. You have created an
occupational probability that allows you to be in closer
contact with other beings. There are few occupational
probabilities that allow this closeness. Your
occupational probability is well chosen for you ability
to transfer healing energies is significant. There is
great variation in the success rate as your scientist
would like to hear me say.
Let me begin this
concept again. It is not difficult to translate into a
different symbolic structure. The variations of healing
rate among those who designate their occupational
probability as acupuncture is because of the variation in
the ability to extend Love. The vibrational frequency
which you call Love is established as a harmonic
structuring can be transferred from one being to another
as a transfusion of life. When you, Dear one, N., apply
your needles, you are giving a transfusion of Love. This,
then, is a transfusion of life, and this transfusion of
the essence of all creation, which allows the restorative
healing process to reestablish its domain in the physical
focus personality. Many, many Oriental beings learn love
and gratitude at a much earlier point in their
development. This is the reason why this restorative
process developed in this part of your planet. There is
an ease and peacefulness in the Oriental race. This, of
course, is a fragmentary construction of Love, when these
traits are present, component structures of the total
concept called Love.
The Western world
will experience increasing success with this form of
restoration as consciousness rises and Love is
experienced more fully. When you transfuse a being with
Love you stimulate various neurohormones in the physical
focus personality. Neurohormones allow the immunity
system to function as it should. The guard at the gate -
this is what you call the ego-self. This immunity system
is the only aspect of defense that the being needs. When
neurohormones are released there is a total release of
stress and body defenses restore themselves. A being must
be receptive to Love for healing to occur. Those patients
who do not show great benefit from your method of
love-transference are unable to experience at that level
of awareness. You see, there are physiological as well as
psychological components to the acupuncture healing
process. You must remember also that when any object
pierces the surface membrane that encases your physical
beingness, there is a release of defensive activities and
these are responsive to Universal energies that flow
through this puncturing object. It may be constructed of
any material except plastic. Since your formulation has
the lowest vibrational level of your potential objects,
metal is easiest to use because of its trimness and
lightness, but there is no substantial reasoning for
using this substance over others.
The place of
puncture is much less relevant than beings have supposed.
The number of punctures and the coordinate relationship
to each puncture point is much more important to the
process. By following processes outlined by your ancient
masters you have a close approximation to these
coordinate positionings. There is not a representation of
various places in the physical body, but instead a
numerical mapping system which is a product of much, much
more ancient civilizations than you have any awareness
of. These barely survived the various holocausts that
your planet has experienced.
So, Dear One,
when you place the sharp instruments into various
positions on the ear, especially, do not be concerned
about the entry points as you have tried to learn. Become
more interested, instead, in loving and receiving
intuitive insight into the coordinate positions. Perhaps
I could, at a later time, by your awareness perceptions,
draw these coordinates for you. If you prepare a figure
drawing of both the front side of a being and the back
side of a being I should be happy then to use this figure
representation at about this proportion in height to this
proportion in width and indicate these coordinates.
It is important
as part of the belief structure that is an integral part
of any technique that you still present the feeling of
positioning as significant. You must not feel that place
is no longer important and indicate that to others but
adversely that positioning is very important and for
general beings understanding corresponds to organs and
systems of the physical structure. Beings don't seem to
realize that healing one organ of the body heals all
others simultaneously. The greatest energy is absorbed by
the organ needing the greatest healing, but all will
benefit. This may help you to relax about exact
positioning, Dear One, and flow with your intuitive
understanding. (Next Page)