Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
For my Self
I'd like to ask you to speak to me on whatever you feel
is important.
You have made
very fine progress with expectation and patience. Like
the being, V., you have been working long hard hours on
these two. Patience and expectation. If you continue to
work on these two growth probabilities, you will be able
to place more energy into most productive pursuits.
Yes. I
learned this afternoon that I had stepped on a land mine
in World War I. What effect does that have on me now and
what can I do about it?
You have
reconstructed in this experience a field of mines and
attempt to make it through without stepping on one again.
However, you have forgotten at times because of
unconsciousness where you placed those mines and the
feeling is one of being shattered. Systematically defuse
each mine by confronting directly each fear in the
darkest recesses of the unconscious portion of self.
I would like
to know in what way am I responsible, if I am, for the
physical pain I have had for twenty-five years. Does it
have anything to do with karmic debt? The diagnosis is a
right cervical disk pressing on a central nerve which
hurts the entire right side of the body.
In a moment of
unconsciousness during your childhood experience you fell
and the fall weakened that portion of your physical
structure. Those cellular consciousnesses remembered the
pain and continue to remember it. You can instruct
systematically those cellular consciousnesses to forget
what they are trying so diligently to remember. They are
afraid that forgetting is unconsciousness. Many beings
whom you lock away labeling insane are simply fearing
unconsciousness so strongly that they remember too much
and remembering too much is most confusing. The circuits
are overloaded and fuses burned. My Dear One, L, has a
question about her son.
Yes. My son,
W., has Downs Syndrome. He is twenty-three years old. My
question ever since his birth is, did he really choose
this and, if so, why.
All seemingly
conscious and semiconscious states in which man is
viewed, such as, unconsciousness from what you call
accidents or semi-consciousness that you see as various
levels of mental retardation are not as they appear. I
stated earlier that the coma is a more conscious state
than those beings declaring the coma to be real. Your son
and others like him choose states that reduce contact
with wide varieties of beings in order to become more
conscious. In subsequent life experiences there will be a
marked enhancement of awareness. Beings need to call into
work unconscious. . . not sick. I am calling in
unconscious today. By tomorrow I expect to be conscious
again. I was very unconscious recently and allowed my
immunity system to falter. You see your illnesses are
products of momentary or prolonged unconsciousness.
Why do I feel
like withdrawing all the time?
Do not consider
isolating your self in times of sorrow and pain. This
reinforces old unconscious memories of rejection. Seek
out a compassionate heart when you experience pain and
the fear of rejection and loneliness will abate.
In a past
life life I have had great experience and involvement
with horses. Could you explain what the significance of
that life is from my present life.
Horses, camels,
alligators, snakes and snails. You have raised them, sold
them, bartered with them, and. . . there is no word to
express the concept. . . it is closest to established
power with them. You have quite a menagerie following in
back of you. My beings communication with you through the
written response which you will see tomorrow, and it
contains information on several of those experiences. The
signal becomes quite variable at this time which will
create too much strain on my being. The being Syrus would
like me to refer to it as my lower being. It is most
accurate to say my lesser consciousness. Seeven wishes
you a conscious life and an evolving recognition of the
freedom that it creates. Blessings to you all. (Next