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Who Was Seeven?

During the 1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are given physical reality and presence in the voice and expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them directly through his or her own mind and body. In a series of meetings with clients and other interested persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a public service by The Psychic Internet.

Limiting Options

I need to know what the messages I get subconsciously. People it seems are sending messages or giving messages. It is not a compulsive on my part that I'm aware of. Can you clarify that for me at all?

Whenever you doubt Self you accept the energy of others because you are in a weakened position. Your confusion and pain stems from self-doubt and if you doubt your validity, your experience, your existence you live only a fraction of your capabilities. Stop doubting and start doing and you will not be so receptive to more powerfully, focused energy transmittals such as the beings of which you speak.

In the past several months I have had very strong urges to express my Self creative power.

As usual, Dear One, you give your Self three options and then in great dismay wonder which to select. You limit your probability experiences when you consider that there are only three options. Consider a thousand options before you consider that you have considered anything. You, like other beings, try to fit creative expression into a predetermined number of categories or boxes. . . and then these are ceremoniously borrowed by those who wish to express creatively. Every moment of your consciousness can be a creative expression of that consciousness. A great shining badge of achievement. Never, never limit options simply because a few created by society spring to mind.

I do not have any particular question to ask, however, I would appreciate any counsel at this point.

Become more consciously involved with animals. How cryptic they think when I speak most literally that is your counsel, Dear One. (Next Page)

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