Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
I know that
Im not relevantly important, but is your name
Seeven or Seven?
You need not feel
so uncomfortable, Dear One, by asking a question that my
being put you up to in the first place. This little
conspiracy is most amusing as are all the little
conspiracies that beings conduct on a predictable time
scale. Names, Dear One, are your way of remembering and
creating very distinct numerical pathways. Names from any
other perspective but the gravity plane is. . . are
irrelevant. However, if you need help in creating your
little numerical pathways just for me you may refer to my
Self at this perspective as the name must be a composite
of all the selves that I am. This perspective is the
junction point of these selves. This represents the most
intense energy that this soul is capable of as a
transmitter. The composite name in your communication
system would be Seeven. Seeven is a collage of sorts but
this may help you with your need systems. Now I introduce
my self with gentlemanly bow as Seeven.
Could you
suggest a spelling for us?
The spelling is
as simple as the name: Seeven. Many beings, of course,
because of a pre-existing numerical pathway will call me
Seven. Seven is, of course a significant number on the
earth plane and because of the reinforced conditioning of
this number I will be, for some, a lucky Seven. Do you
have other issues of concern or interest?
Could you
give a simpler explanation of transmitting. I seemed to
have missed the basic concept.
The concept of
transmission is knowing through assimilation and
speaking, acting, doing, representing this essence of
Truth that has been and is continuing to be assimilated.
They transmit through all of these methods. Some pose as
teachers. . . some pose as pastors. . . some pose as
market owners. . . some pose as therapist. . . some pose
as grave diggers. . . some pose as birth facilitators. .
. some are old chronologically. . . some are young
chronologically. . . but all are wise universally. They
are able to love most obviously and fear most
infrequently. They do rather than talk about doing. They
see rather than looking. They hear rather than listening.
They are rather than wishing to be. They are the
television stations in a world with many T.V. watchers.
Your television is a most interesting symbolic
representation of your self. The transmitters or senders
or speakers or truth preceptors, however you wish to
label them, are pictures of truth creators in the mind of
the T.V. watcher. All beings place pictures in the minds
of other beings. The transmitters present the only
truthful ones. Your readers must understand we are not
talking about invasions of little creepy creatures from
outer space. We are not talking about strangers among us.
We are not talking about creatures from the black lagoon.
We are talking about people and all are identifiable in
these two major categories. Many subdivisions, of course,
follow. We can fit all human characteristics into these
two major subdivisions. This is quite easy when we go
into progressively more individualized characteristics.
We find much greater difficulty and it requires much
greater awareness.
I have a
question about the concept of speakers. I never heard you
talk about that.
Some beings
become speakers. Other beings are speakers. And, yes, I
have spoken of speakers before. Those that become
speakers can become speakers for seconds of time and then
lapse into their most comfortable position as receivers.
Other beings are speakers and know no other mode of
experience. Is this clear?
I want to
thank you and tell you that I love you.
This is the most
important Truth that can ever be spoken and when a being
speaks of love a being becomes a speaker. A being is a
speaker. . . a transmitter only in the topic framework of
love. Take that same statement to those beings who call
them selves speakers and only know how to scream. The
volume of a speaker. . . a transmitter. . . is a sure way
to tell the level of their speaking abilities. You, Dear
One, Bobbie, do not allow the love of which you are
capable to be completely activated for fear of
repercussions. You must learn to take the risk necessary
to love and become fulfilled. I extend to you all richest
blessings from a universe that bestows Truth on those
willing to listen. Seven over and out. (Next Page)