Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
North and South
Do you have other
issues of concern at this moment?
Would it be
possible to draw your energy portrait?
Dear One, you
need not quaver at the very thought. This, of course, is
possible, were you to provide a diagram of the human
form. My being wishes to offer his help in this endeavor
and request that you turn down this light. My being would
prefer the light of a candle for this endeavor.
All energy masses
contain opposite poles. These poles are the stationary
points for energy revolution. Every atom of physical
matter contains the North and South poles. In your
physical reality the body structure composed of atoms
contain billions of North and South poles around which
energy moves. This energy movement when blocked creates
discomfort and what you call illness. Disease or illness
is a blockage of energy flow at the molecular and
submolecular levels. The etheric body extending outward
from the physical body is also affected by any blockage
of energy flow in the molecular and submolecular levels.
Any block in the physical body creates a corresponding
blockage in the etheric body. Energy rotates in this
pattern through the being. You see, Dear Ones, the poles
of North and South of the total being where no motion
takes place as best it can be explained is in the center
of the body in this fashion. The poles of North and South
extend this way from back to front. The North pole
existing in this location on the back of the being and
South pole at the corresponding front side position.
Remembering now that the energy flow on the three
dimensional structure is around these poles. When one
Universe is molested all other Universes are also
molested. When one Universe experiences healing all other
Universes experience healing. When, Dear One, you
consider each atom as a Universe you see that many many
other Universes are affected by the one affect. If you
make concentric circles from the North and South poles
you will recognize that important healing points for any
portion of the body occur anywhere. However, more intense
healing probabilities occur when this energy field is
followed. If you began here in this scale of drawing and
make your field line concentrically at approximately this
distance which expands as one moves farther away from the
center you will be able to find all physical reality
points on this line and use those places as operative
points. I never claimed fame as a artist. You must
forgive my lack of skill to portray this concept
accurately as a visual presentation. I'm afraid that even
a first grader would do better. But, then, we all are in
different grades for each area that we approach as a
learning potential. My being has oversimplified the
analogue of Life to school considering that a being is in
one grade or another. Beings progress at different rates
in different challenge areas and therefore may be in
twenty grades simultaneously. The highest grade for
achievement is best in Love. For only this pursuit is the
true indicator of learning. All others are close
relatives of Love. So now you may no longer refer to a
being as a third grader. You must refer to the being as a
first, third, second, eighth, tenth, twelfth, fifteenth,
seventh, fifth grader. If you must refer to the being at
all. Why not stop judging and simply enjoy differences as
destroyers of boredom. Conformity is one of your
strongest social conditioning patterns. How you love to
acclimate each other to conformity. When conformity is a
conditioning it stifles choice and creativity, which are
two essentials to growth. Most primitive, as you call
them, cultures in your planet understood more about
conditioning and utilized this knowledge than any of your
so called modern civilizations. What you see as progress
on the societal level is, in fact, a portrayal of
primitivism. Fortunately beings progressed despite the
primitiveness of their cultures and some in spite of.
Those that progress in spite of have fought to change the
conformity principal. They are always accused of being
"out of their minds" and this is, of course,
true, fortunately. (Next Page)