Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
Responsibility and Vibratory
Everything we
face in life is a perfect challenge tailor made for us.
Act or react. Respond effectively or automatically fight
for survival and defense of the ego.
Reaction breeds
helplessness, inadequacy, inferiority requiring physical
stress pain and breakdown, physical or mental. Lets
take hold of the situation. Body gives early warnings to
make us take responsibility. Emotions, then physical
discomfort, then pain, then illness or breakdown, then
disability and degeneration, then death. Increasing
vibrational frequency in situations of challenge allows
us to gain altitude and surmount the problem and see it
as only a challenge that has been met. Each incident or
challenge helps to launch us into a new phase of life.
Contacting one
who has crossed over means increasing vibrational
frequency to meet higher frequency of one who has crossed
over. Something done within the self to tune to the
higher vibration like tuning to another station. All the
radio stations are flowing through us at any given moment
in time and so just making a change, slight as it may be,
can pick up the frequency of those who have crossed over
or who have never had physical form.
Same vibration
means same energy level. Anyone coming into contact with
your exact energy-vibration level is able to communicate
with you without words spoken through normal channels of
communication. In fact the communication is so rapid and
complete that no symbols such as distinct thoughts are
even necessary and subsequent translation into words or
pictures. Instantaneous awareness and understanding. Its
the energy you radiate out from the physical body that is
the result of your Soul essence - a radiation belt that
is influenced by thoughts and emotions, and feelings. A
Instant rapport
with someone means same vibrational frequency or a
similar or close vibrational frequency but not
necessarily a past acquaintance from a past life or a
soul mate. This is why someone can fall in love with a
hardened criminal for example when it seems too absurd to
the rest of us who think the person has no sense. Doesn't
she see what she is doing? Well of course, she sees what
she is doing but sees it from a totally different
perspective because the emotions are being influenced by
the vibrational rapport established that transcends the
directives of the senses. Relate without spoken words, a
melding a joining, an intensification of beingness, and
increased awareness and intensification of all life
forces. . . more complete and whole that being apart - an
instantaneous comparison of what life was like before the
union and then with the union in progressive development.
This is the same frequency.
A soul always
operates at the same radio frequency say, 1340 in
the AM dial. At this frequency, you might relate very
well with someone operating at 1338 on his dial and not
so well with someone at 1185. And you may even pass by
someone at 940 and not even know they exist. This is the
absurdity of being upset over being ignored. It simply is
a law of nature that keeps some people apart and brings
others together according to the learning experience that
can be afforded in any particular situation. Nothing
whatever to do with goals or achievements with the
physical body. Is the coat a person is wearing when you
meat him for the first time going to influence what you
see in his eyes or the way he communicates with you.
rapport is getting beyond the exterior and deeper than
the interior. The outer image has little to do with the
heart that beats beneath. Tuning in to someone with
similar frequency creates a RECOGNITION. You recognize
each other without having ever met before in any
situation. You recognize each other's energy. Words not
even be spoken. Then you are always together. (Next Page.)