Who Was
During the
1980s, a unique psychic entity was channeled through the
consciousness of a psychologist practicing in the greater
Bay Area of Northern California. Channeling, in
psychological terms, is a process of dissociation through
which the thoughts and words of a disembodied spirit are
given physical reality and presence in the voice and
expressions of a person, the channel, who transmits them
directly through his or her own mind and body. In a
series of meetings with clients and other interested
persons, Seeven spoke directly to the living concerns of
his questioners and interlocutors. These pages are the
transcribed records of those meetings, presented as a
public service by The Psychic Internet.
During the next
two years and two months you will experience major
transitional energies. If you wish to consider the end of
an age then this certainly must classify. Many
transitions will continue to occur in all fields of
natural and human energies.
Why is this
happening now?
When energies
become too intensely focused in one area a release must
occur. Nothing can go beyond its bursting point. Energies
build and must release. There is a building of energies
that is reaching an increasing need for release at this
time. This occurs in all levels of probability. These,
Dear One, are lines of probability. A line of probability
has many facets. All of which are lesser probabilities.
Through a series of consecutive or irregular lifetimes
you are able to focus on a particular line of
How should we
respond to this?
During this
period of transition beings would be well advised to
prepare for doing without much of their energy resources
as this will be interrupted for long periods of time.
Electrical energy, liquid energy and nuclear fission
energy. You still have not understood that the only
reliable and consistent form of energy is in the ultra
violet spectrum. Ultra violet conducive will provide all
energy needs in what you call the distant future. The
correct expression is transducive in your reality but
conducive will be a further development.
Are there
other things that we can do to, I don't know if alleviate
is the right word, if release must occur.
Release all your
tensions and this will diminish much of the impact.
concerned about the possibility of war because I have
hopeless feelings. It seems almost useless gesture to be
a pacifist these days.
That point, Dear
One, has been jabbing beings for many centuries. Pacifism
was no resistance to prevailing energies. Activism
produces a display of consciousness. Wars occur only
because societies need them to exist so long as
consciousness is at its level as you perceive it. There
must always be small wars and threats of war for an
economy to maintain itself monetarily. Small advanced
economies are war machines with every facet of the
economy related to repairing and revising the war
Our political
institutions have failed in terms of dealing with the
world problems?
Wonderful systems
are justifications for brutality. They trample upon the
victims that create them. Beings don't realize that they
have a choice in supporting or not supporting the war
machines. Will you support the philosophy of what
should I do. You simply support governments that
say what should I do. And some frightened
little man in a gray tweed suit says annihilate them and
the war machine rolls forward? Is this blunt enough?
Is it
possible to establish Christ Consciousness?
What you call
Christ Consciousness is simply being aware. But it is
threatening to be awake.
Is it
possible in our life time to move toward a system where
war may be avoided.
My Dear One. Your
great, great, great grandchildren will be asking these
same questions as you. You cannot expect preschoolers to
know how to manifest love.
Does each age
have had a lesson to teach humanity for the next fifty
If you carry
expectations of what this being would be like you would
not recognize him if you tripped over him. It is only by
hindsight that beings seem to learn anything. Many
conscious beings that have existed through time have not
been seen by their contemporaries. It is only by
historical reference that these beings are even
recognized as having lived. The accolades are mutually
agreed upon and everyone applauds in unison. It is a very
well defined fact with the approving audience some one
says wasn't that being great and everyone nods yes, of
course and, of course, the being often selected is not
the being whose great majesty everyone missed. The being
used was one of those few beings that other beings
identify directly. Others have been been forgotten but it
will suffice.
Are you
saying that there are not to be any more expectations of
where we are going by evolution?
You answered your
own question, Dear One. It is an expectation, not a goal.
Do you see how interconnected this is.
Have I
successfully been able to eliminate expectations from my
This must be a
new comedy routine (group laughter) that you are now
practicing. You, Dear One, base every moment of your
existence upon expectations. You have begun to perceive
the difference but you have not begun to manifest it in
your life. Outwardly there are many changes that are
reflecting your growth but you have much quality yet to
Can you tell
us about why people feel so driven to do things?
You, Dear One,
like so many other beings are driven by the phantom
called time. You assume that it is always behind you
awaiting its moment to pounce. It is only a phantom, and
illusion of your fear structuring mind. As I have stated
before, you create devices and then allow these devices
to manipulate your reality. (Next Page)