

If you find links that do not work consistently, please let us know: XLINKS



Emails to the Psychic Internet The Psychic Internet is your premier on-line resource for professional, accurate, caring readings of various types... our FOURTH year on the Internet. For Tarot, I Ching, and Astrology, The Psychic Internet is your first and best choice. Discovering Your Past Lives -the best selling book in its 12th printing and available in many languages around the world.

the free on-line stock market prediction letter.


Heaven & Earth Heaven & Earth is the sponsor of the Psychic Society International. We also offer, spirtual counseling psychotherapy, psychic readings, pagan & wiccan items, herbs, a newsletter, and informational links, astrology, and tarot reading, numerology, and native american items.

Hart and Soul Consulting Hart and Soul Consulting offers services which provide "tools for transformative living". Insight Counseling and Soul Cognition access the inner nature and the energetic pattern of client's need and present challenge.

Achieving Life Mastery with Avatar Discover Avatar, re-discover your Self. Align your consciousness with what you want to achieve. This comprehensive website is your personal gateway to Avatar. Offering experiential exercises, free information, tools, articles, interviews, books, tapes, and cyber Coaching. Brought to you by PAAR Enterprises - your guides to achieving life mastery.

New Age Spirituality Forum CompuServe Religion and Spirituality

Angel Inspired, IamShe, Free Linking Cards

International Guild of Advanced Sciences Complete resource for suppressed and hidden technology. New Age science and technolgy covering Time Travel, Radionics, Psionics, Free Energy, Anti-Gravity,Teleportation,Levitation,Invisibility, Psychic Powers, Dowsing, Remote Viewing, UFO Technology,Mind Control, Rare crystals, Psychotronics Instruments. The only full time non-profit research society in the world, specializing in New Age Sciences.


Shirley MacLaine Online

Circle of the Earth We call Circle of the Earth: The World Wide Mind-Spirit Web for New Artists. It's about Shamanism, media and the emerging one-planet order. It's about the dying of our present societal consciousness in 40 to 100 years--what a consciousness based upon "seeing" means--and how "artists" will play a role in what is coming. In addition, we tell you the best movies and music composers--and all about Monica's sex therapist. If you're looking for something different, this just may be the place!

Numbers, A, B, C

168 Feng Shui Advisors
A Course in Miracles books, etc
Angels` Circle Of Love
ACIM - A Course in Miracles
Archangel Michael "the Prince"
Achieving Life Mastery
Angel's Essence
Beyond The Veil
Battlefield Earth Site
Beyond the Rainbow
Celestine Inspiration - Nine Songs For Nine Insights
Crop Circle Cards and Information
Church Metaphysical
Chakera: New Age Princess of Light
Coming Earth Changes
Circle of the Earth
Alien Counsel

D, E, F

Disciple of the Light
Dream Emporium
The Earth Calendar for the New Era
Free Ascension Lessons and Healing (Reiki, Vibrational, belief system clearing) Resource
Different Drummer: A Paranormal Publication
Far Shores

G, H, I

Guy Finley: Life of Learning Foundation
Hart and Soul Consulting

J, K, L

JES Enterprises New Age Mind Body Spirit Videos
Lumonics Light and Sound

M, N, O

meditators & spiritual travellers society
Mountain Ghost Music
Melchizeldek's Home Page
Magical Times
The NetCheck Commerce Bureau
of Quasars & Quanta
The Other, Skeptics Forum
Mobile Massage (Eastbay SF)

P, Q, R

The Partners Within: Prayer and Meditation
Psychic Encounters
Return to the Temple
Reality Creation
Rowan Tree Trading Post
Reality Creation

S, T, U

Snake and Snake Productions
Solving the Drug Problem Through Narconon
SheMysteries Astrology, Sexual Spirituality, Syncronicity and Car Color Patterns
Spirit Village
Tatiacha's Spirit Nexus
Unusual Alternatives
The Universal One Foundation
UFO Info at Einet Galaxy
UFO Folklore
timjam ufo links
Stepping Stones ..on the path to light

V, W, X, Y, Z

Ying Communications
Zodiac Bistro

This Directory is provided as a courtesy to interested parties. The New-Age Directory is not responsible for the accuracy of the information, the reputation of listees, or the quality of services and/or products they provide. SUBMISSIONS

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