
Reweaving the Web of Life

by Re. LeRoy Zemke, Pastor Temple of the Living God St. Petersburg, Florida 33713

"There is no limit to what we can do when we claim the I Am, when we let go of past limitations, dream anew, and then commit ourselves to bringing a new vision."

Where Two Worlds Touch by Gloria Karpinski

When we choose to come together in community, we are reweaving the web of life. When we are open to the almost unlimited possibilities that our own life offers moment by moment, we are reweaving the web of our life.

The operative word here is choice. When we choose to participate in the journey we call LIFE, we enter into a unique relationship with our life, and hole dimensions of opportunity open to us.

The issue is really not that we must follow a guru, join a church (of whatever persuasion), be a follower of a unique system of a specific metaphysical belief. It is, rather, that we are called to act upon the fabric of our own emerging faith. But how do we, how can we act upon our awakening and developing, sometimes nebulous faith? If we but look closely into the components of our own life, perhaps we will be able to see some shining steps to be taken.

We must look into our lives with honesty and discernment. Oh , what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

(1) Our life is a remarkable gift, perhaps seemingly simple in its scope, or perhaps involved, convoluted and complex. In the overall picture, life has its crowning moments, even in some of its shabby and tawdry aspects. In the midst of squalor, hope is renewed. And in the midst of great pain, healing is begun. And that is the gift...we begin to see with bigger, broader perception what is right before us. Hope...Vision...something shining in the moment.

(2) There is a gift in letting go of past limitations and past achievements. Too many times we are bound by, locked into all the ties to our vainglorious past of our pitfalls and failures. Someone once wrote the past is prologue. We need to realize that life is ongoing. If we hang onto chains of guilt or the terrible remorse of our errors, wrongdoings (or that of others) and thus imbue them with life, we are bound by them. Yes, we may need to absolve people, events, circumstances, issues. But the choice is that we are not limited by our past...even if it was a dress rehearsal and we had a starring part. If we are truly finished with violence, tragedy and death, we can invite comedy, comfort and companionship. We can even rewrite the script!

(3) We must ENGAGE in our life. We must participate in lifes drama in the part we have been cast to play. For some of us, too many times we watch our life go by somewhat like a passenger gazing out the window of a train upon which were riding through the countryside. We see the scenery, the towns, villages, the people, but we are detached, uninvolved, removed from the process. Some of us are married to a certain someone type of partner, or perhaps were heavily committed to a responsible job, or busily engaged in raising a family... yet our heart is elsewhere. We may yearn for the love of another. We may wish we were in (and fantasize about) a new job or a different work. We may consistently wish that the children were grown or older or elsewhere. When our experience of life is such that we want it to be different constantly, consistently, and/or we daydream our life away, we lose its vital gift. We lose its richness, its message to us. We lose its blessings in the moment. We are really removed from the process. To be engaged in life means to participate. In order to be counted as an active member of the team, we must (a) show up, (b) practice the game, and (c) play the game and allow ourselves the discovery of all the game really calls forth from us.

Each time we step forth into a new venture, we open to lifes pulse anew...we reweave. Each time we shake the hand of a new friend, attend a class, or offer another something from within ourselves...we reweave the web of life.

Each effort to begin anew, when past efforts have gone amiss and fallen an effort to reweave. Every time we say Im Sorry for a perceived wrongdoing, or offer the hand of friendship to someone...we are reweaving the web of life.

Whenever we boldly step forward into the sewing room of life and pick up the threads of the pattern we have left behind...we are reweaving. We are trying again to discover anew - how to bring the pattern of life forward to the best of our ability.

Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; what you do or dream you can, begin it; boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Only engage and then the mind grows heated. Begin, and then the work will be completed. (Goethe)

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