Market Chart Since
Last Issue

(graphics for Momentum
Indicators in subscription version)
Stock Momentum Indicators this week continue
the dramatic change we saw last time with
all time periods in the green as the
rally continues. Market internals
continue to improve because Big Money is
relieved that the Feds cycle of
increasing interest rates is over. Since
Big Money cares little about history,
stock buying is the order of the day. If
they cared about history, they would know
that the odds are much greater for a
lower Market 3-months and/or 6 months
from now. But Big Money is enthusiastic
about the Market for this year and next.
For the year to date, the broad Market is
higher by 4%. The media talking heads
describe the Market as though it were up
50% at least. The Market continues to
follow my prediction for the year
Precious Metals continued to weaken
so the short-term indicator is now red.
Other time periods have weakened as well,
but are still holding green at this time.
Oil indicators have changed
dramatically with the decline in oil this
past week. The price has been close to
all moving indicators for several weeks,
so it is not surprising that oil closed
Friday below the short-term and
intermediate-term. The long-term remains
green, but just barely. I do not expect
the lower prices to last much longer,
even though I do expect a record warm
winter across most of the U.S.
Market Internals
Market Action And Commentary
broad Market extended its winning streak Friday
to five consecutive days. Trading during the
first half of the day was marked by weakness as
traders locked in profits from recent Market
gains. Buying took over by the afternoon session
and the selling of the morning faded. Some
leadership in tech, tobacco, and energy helped
the afternoon rally.
the trading day Thursday and in the morning
session Friday, the Market was "acting
tired," and looked like it wanted to retrace
the recent rally to the downside. The
disappointing news from Dell (DELL) (my rating in the subscription version), a rate hike in
China, and a slight rebound in oil exacerbated
the decline.
by Friday afternoon, it was clear that the bulls
continued to call the shots, helped by an
announced share buyback plan from Microsoft
(MSFT) (my rating in
the subscription version)and a historic
high on shares of Altria Group (MO) (my rating in the subscription version) following a
favorable court ruling. Buying in Microsoft and
Altria (both Dow components as well as two of the
most influential S&P 500 constituents)
eventually helped investors look past an SEC
probe into Dell's accounting practices and
continue the rally.
Of the
eight sectors posting gains, Energy led the way
higher, as companies like Dow component Exxon
Mobil (XOM) (my rating
in the subscription version) benefited from
oil prices closing higher for the first time in
five days. Crude oil futures rose 1.5% to $72.10
per barrel on fears of sanctions from Iran and
the fact that the commodity was oversold, having
slipped more than 4% during the week.
Wednesday came word that Consumer inflation
accelerated in July. (Wow! What a surprise!)
In evidence that the economy is slowing,
industrial output in July slipped to just half
the June pace. (Wow! What a surprise!) The
government propagandists are working harder than
usual these days to put on a happy face and make
everything seem just fine, but the simple truth
is that inflation is accelerating and the economy
is imploding from the weight of crushing
personal, corporate, and government debt.
The week
before last saw a different story as the
long-sought Fed pause finally arrived. In a sigh
of relief that the Fed was done tightening, the
Market dropped 1% for the week. Instead of
breaking out the champagne, traders began
worrying that getting their wish of no more
interest rate hikes meant that economic expansion
was slowing. They also got indigestion over the
Feds policy statement that noted continued
inflation risks and clearly left the door open
for future rate hikes. The statement did note
that "inflation pressures seem likely to
moderate over time," but if inflation
stays at current levels or increases, the
likelihood is that the Fed will have to raise
rates further. Inflation pressures likely to
moderate! I dont think so. They are
accelerating every month! Stagflation has
officially arrived
and there is nothing
that the Fed can do about it.
three weeks ago, soft economic data was
considered bullish and Big Money celebrated with
heavy buying. Two weeks ago Big Money was
depressed over economic weakness and sold the
Market down 1%. This past week, Big Money was not
the slightest bit concerned about a weakening
economy and traders bought heavily. Such is the
lunacy and nonsense of Big Money traders and
their advisors!
inflation rate today, thanks to the Fed flooding
the world with nearly worthless U.S. dollars, has
not been this high since the 1970s, when we had
an acknowledged inflation problem. We all know
that real inflation is running at well over 10%
per year even with stable prices in a couple of
areas like electronics. The government wants us
to focus on what they call the "core"
rate of inflation, an invention of the 70s,
to distract us from the real rate that does
include food and energy. Even credible experts
have real concerns about the way the inflation
number is calculated each month. And inflation is
going to get a lot worse before it gets any
We must
remember, however, that although inflation is a
real drag on the economy and on all of us
individually, inflation is not necessarily
negative for stocks, since inflation,
historically, inflates stock prices as well as
everything else. It is about the only
"positive" factor that the Market has
going for it these days.
certainly the combination of inflation, a
declining economy, record consumer debt, record
low savings rates, record high government debt,
softness in housing, and continuing revelations
about corporate fraud is
bad for stocks.
Now that
the string of interest rate increases has come to
an end, Big Money turns its attention to other
like those I mention above. Some
weeks, those negative factors for stocks loom
large, and other weeks they vanish from the radar
and everything is coming up roses once again.
Being invested in high-dividend-paying stocks
helps us avoid most of the manic price gyrations
of all the heavily hyped big name stocks.
The fact
remains that real interest rates are not
high enough to exert a significant negative
influence on inflation. Central banks around the
world have followed the lead of the Federal
Reserve and have pumped enormous liquidity into
the global economy over the past decade. This
flood of cash has produced global inflation that
is an unstoppable runaway train that can only
lead to a wreck at the end of the line.
The Fed
is unconcerned, as usual, after creating the
problem, they are promoting the idea that the
weakening housing market will slow the US
economy, which will bring down inflation. And
everyone lives happily ever after. The Fed
chooses to focus on the inflation from a
technical perspective rather than from a
fundamental perspective which includes factors
such as real interest rates and the money supply.
insanity reigns supreme at all levels of
government, contrarians must ignore the media,
hyped stocks, daily and weekly market swings, and
risky investments that fail to reward
shareholders. We must protect ourselves as much
as possible from the foolish daily and weekly
swings in the Market. Closed end funds and stocks
with a history of paying high dividends represent
a strategy that works most of the time. I have
suggested many of these investments over the past
few years. This week I offer another favorite
investment possibility for you to research and
Now that
interest rates have stabilized, (in the subscription version) looks like a
good deal. This closed end fund pays close to a
7% dividend. It closed Friday at $10 per share.
It has been as low as $9.56 over the past twelve
months and as high as $11.59. You may remember
that I first recommended this dividend play at
$9.60. (details in the subscription version)
Best Performing Industries For The Week
- (DJ
is an abbreviation for Dow Jones)
- DJ
US Consumer Electronics Index +8.10%
- DJ
US Telecommunications Equipment Index
- DJ
US Specialized Consumer Services Index
- DJ
US Computer Hardware Index +6.82%
- DJ
US Electronic Equipment Index +6.77%
Worst Performing Industries For The Week
- DJ
US Exploration & Production Index
- DJ
US Gold Mining Index -3.83%
- DJ
US Oil & Gas Producers Index -2.87%
- DJ
US Oil & Gas Index -2.67%
- DJ
US Oil Equipment & Services Index
Best Performing Industries For One Month
- DJ
US Automobiles Index +15.30%
- DJ
US Asset Managers Index +13.92%
- DJ
US Toys Index +12.71%
- DJ
US Computer Hardware Index +12.06%
- DJ
US Home Construction Index +11.80%
Worst Performing Industries For One Month
- DJ
US Platinum & Precious Metals Index
- DJ
US Mobile Telecommunications Index -8.91%
- DJ
US Delivery Services Index -8.68%
- DJ
US Coal Index -6.49%
- DJ
US Industrial Transportation Index -6.30%
of the Grids Above
(subscription version)
The VI
Index (Vulnerability Index) has fallen to
a 13 this week due to better technical
factors underpinning the broad Market. The end to
a string of interest rate hikes often turns
technical and sentiment factors more favorable,
but the end to Fed tightening does little for
fundamental or monetary factors. The reading this
week is the first low vulnerability reading we
have seen in some time, suggesting that the
current rally will continue a bit longer.
However, expect wild swings to continue intraday
and intraweek for some time. These swings will
reflect the insanity that we see regularly in the
market: good news is bad news one day and good
news the next.
The Investors
Intelligence Indicator, a contrary index,
gave a sell signal on December 30th.
Now the latest Investors Intelligence
reading of newsletter writers shows a bullish
stance of just 40.9%. This is in the neutral
range and is still not low enough to erase the
sell signal of December. (Each week the service Investors
Intelligence surveys some 140 financial
newsletter writers to determine whether they are
leaning bullish or bearish in their opinions to
subscribers. The resulting Investors Intelligence
Survey compiles the data to arrive at a weekly
percentage of bulls vs. bears. The Survey is
considered a contrary indicator, since extremes
in either direction are signals of reversal of
the markets current trend. Generally when
less than 35% of these newsletter writers are
bullish, a buy signal is given. And when at least
60% of them are bullish, a sell signal is given.)
The Expected
Range for the market over the next six
months, using a Dow scale, is 10,050 to 11,500.
Of course, the Market does not have to stay
within that range; that is simply the expected
range based on technical analysis of the highest
probabilities. I do expect the Market to test or
break the lower reading before the end of next
Index shows a continuation of the
horrible trend (for those who are long the market
hoping it will go up) that began several months
ago. However, this week we do see an improvement
supporting the more positive trend in Market
technicals. In the last issue, I pointed out that
rallies often occur when this number gets down
close to reading of 90, and that the Market
was not far from that reading on July 21st.
index considers many key technical indicators and
wraps them into one number. I developed this
formula about seven years ago.)
The Friday
Market Momentum Index has improved
considerably from the week before. Big Money this
Friday was much more sanguine about holding
stocks over the weekend than these traders have
been some Fridays. Although they were not
outright bullish, as they were four weeks ago,
they at least did not end the week in a state of
panic. (Remember: this grid is
not predictive as some of the other grids are. It
is merely a snapshot of how strong or week the
Market really is on the final trading day of the
week when Big Money is indicating confidence or
fear about holding securities over the weekend.)
broadest measure of the Market, for the two weeks
since the last issue, shows a gain of 2%. For the
past 52-weeks, the Market is up 8%, and this
year, the Market shows only a 4% gain.
The Bull/Bear
Index remains at a 1 reading after
dipping briefly five weeks ago to a 2
reading. The new Cyclical Bear Market is now
nearly three months old. (Cyclical Bear Markets
normally run from two months to a year or so. The
duration of each of the last four cyclical bear
markets was short. A cyclical bear lasted three
months in 1987, four months in 1990, ten months
in 1994, and two months in 1998. By contrast,
secular bull and bear markets last for a long
time, typically five to twenty years. We are
still in the secular bear market that began in
2000, so it is now seven years old.)
Recent PiVot
Dates show the following results: On
August 7th, the Market began a three-day slide
that erased 1% from the Market. On August 8th
, a rally effort early in the day failed and the
slide continued. On the 10th , the
Market reversed to the upside for a strong rally.
And on the 16th the Market simply
extended and intensified the rally begun on the
10th. The 16th was
the important PiVot Date for the SOX index
(semiconductors) since it marked the beginning of
a powerful 2% three-day rally.
View of
Charts I Monitor
you will find a brief summary of some of the
charts I monitor with bullish and bearish
implications noted after each. (subscription version)
I expect
that Market volatility and vulnerability will
remain high for the rest of this year. The Bulls
have the edge again this week, but I do not think
any rally in this time frame will last very long.
Sentiment and Technical factors are now bullish.
Monetary and Fundamental factors are still
term, I do not see how record consumer debt, the
explosion in housing prices with increasing
inventories, record low savings, declining wages,
and increasing inflation can possibly support a
higher Market
hence the importance of
interest-paying stocks and funds with stops in
place on everything else that is not part of a
core long-term portfolio.
1 What
do you mean when you say, "using a Dow
scale?" Since the Dow Jones Industrial
Average (DJIA) is the index with the longest
history (back to May, 1896) and is the most
widely followed U.S. index in the world, I use it
as a reference point or proxy for the whole U.S.
Market. The Dow has moved between 10,000 and
11,300 over the past twelve months, so when I
write that I expect the Market to gain 100
points, using a Dow scale, over the next two
weeks, everyone is on the same page. Such a scale
is much easier for most investors to understand
than if I were to write that I expect the S&P
500 to move 10 points higher or that I expect the
Russell 3000 to move 15 points higher, which
would be equivalent. Although I use a Dow scale
for discussion purposes, the Dow Industrial
Average is not representative of the whole U.S.
Market since it is comprised of just 30 of the
largest and most widely held public companies in
the United States. By the way, the Dow Jones
Industrial Average is one of several stock market
indices created by "Wall Street
Journal" editor and Dow Jones & Company
founder Charles Dow. Dow compiled the index
before the turn of the last century as a way to
gauge the performance of the industrial component
of America's stock markets. The
"industrial" portion of the name is
largely historical; in fact, many of the 30
modern components have little to do with heavy
industry. To compensate for the effects of stock
splits and other adjustments, it is currently a
weighted average, not the actual average of the
prices of its component stocks.
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) is
one of the simplest and most reliable indicators
available. MACD uses moving averages, which are
lagging indicators, to include some
trend-following characteristics. These lagging
indicators are turned into a momentum oscillator
by subtracting the longer moving average from the
shorter moving average. The resulting plot forms
a line that oscillates above and below zero,
without any upper or lower limits. The most
popular formula for the "standard" MACD
is the difference between a security's 26-day and
12-day exponential moving averages. This is the
formula that is used in many popular technical
analysis programs. It was developed and
popularized by Gerald Appel, and provides a
uniquely sensitive measurement of the intensity
of the trading public's sentiment and provides
early clues to trend continuation or reversal.
According to Appel, this indicator is
particularly dependable in signaling entry points
after a sharp decline. The MACD indicator may be
applied to the stock market as a whole or to
individual stocks or mutual funds.)
3 AROON: Developed by
Tushar Chande in 1995, Aroon is an indicator
system that can be used to determine whether a
stock is trending or not and how strong the trend
is. "Aroon" means "Dawn's Early
Light" in Sanskrit and Chande choose that
name for this indicator since it is designed to
reveal the beginning of a new trend. The Aroon
indicator system consists of two lines,
'Aroon(up)' and 'Aroon(down)'. It takes a single
parameter which is the number of time periods to
use in the calculation. Aroon(up) is the amount
of time (on a percentage basis) that has elapsed
between the start of the time period and the
point at which the highest price during that time
period occurred. If the stock closes at a new
high for the given period, Aroon(up) will be
+100. For each subsequent period that passes
without another new high, Aroon(up) moves down by
an amount equal to (1 / # of periods) x 100.
Star Ratings
(subscription version
each stock I mention in each issue of Contrarian
Outlook, I assign an outlook rating for the next
twelve months which is based on numerous
technical and fundamental issues. My star rating
system scale (one to five stars) compares the
stock to the broad market.
: stock should perform
much worse than the overall market; sell, place a
stop order, or purchase a put option.
 : stock should perform
worse than the overall market; place a stop
order, or purchase a put option.
  : stock
should perform about in line with the broad
Market. If you expect the Market to decline
significantly, and you do not want to hold the
stock for the long-term, a stop market order
should be placed, or options should be
purchased. In other words, if you expect the
Market to decline by 10%, this stock should be in
line with that decline. If you expect the Market
to rise by 20%, this stock should be in line with
that increase.
   : stock should perform
somewhat better than the broad Market. Hold this
stock and/or add small amounts gradually to
current position or add new position.
    : stock should do much
better than the overall market. This stock can be
purchased at current levels and/or during any
pullbacks. But remember, during large Market
declines, this stock could decline as well,
but not as much as the broad Market..
course, my star ratings should only be used as a
starting point for further research. No decisions
about buying or selling stocks or any other
investment vehicles should ever be based solely
on ratings or recommendations in Contrarian
Outlook or from any
other source. Thorough research should always be
the highest priority.
Next Issue: Sep 3
issue of the email
subscription version contains
my predicted Pivot Dates for the weeks ahead,
charts, graphs, grids, and my recommended stock
buys and sells. For a yearly fee of only $100
(minimum), subscribers receive the full,
unabridged version of Contrarian Outlook
by email. The free, internet
version contains only some of the